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The Sixth Principle of Discipleship


CapturingThoughts of Negativity and Temptation and Nailing Them to The Cross 


CapturingThoughts of Negativity and Temptation and Nailing Them to The Cross 

Introduction:This particular factor is probably one that is less known or understood. In all
honesty, I have never heard anyone teach about this besides me. That is
unfortunate because I have seen so many believers learn about this factor and
begin to exercise it with wonderful success. Testimony after testimony from
those who have utilized this method have validated the effectiveness and power
of this factor in gaining victory in their Christian lives. I personally use
this often with success and victory 100% of the time. I have come to the place
that I believe this factor is essential for releasing and maintaining the
abundant life of Christ in our lives and the ignorance of this has resulted in
many Christians confused as to why the abundant life seems so allusive to them!
With all of that being stated, let’s dig in deep and learn and experience how
to take thoughts captive and nail them to the cross! This particular factor is
quite simple and is quite clear in the scriptures. Let’s examine three passages
to lay the basis of this factor. 1 Corinthians 10:13; 2 Corinthians 10:1-5 and
Colossians 2:11-15 

1. 1 Corinthians 10:13This verse is vitally important to consider first. This verse establishes the
truth that God provides a “way of escape” with every temptation that comes our
way. We are not at the mercy of the negative thoughts (which are temptations)
that arise in our hearts and minds. In fact, they are at our mercy because of
the power of God that is ready to be unleased on them! 

2. This verse is not about troubles andburdens that come our way giving way to a false teaching that “God will never
put on me what I can’t handle!” This is about temptations to sin and the power
of God that comes to help us! We find the same word in James 1:12-17. 

3. Let’s consider some of the Greek verbshere in this verse. 

(1) “Overtaken”is in the perfect tense. Nothing can take us over! 

(2) “Tempted”is in the passive voice indicating that someone or something outside of you is
causing this to take place. It is also in the aorist tense indicating the
specific nature of the action. 

(3) “Able”is listed twice. It is the same word both times, the word we translate
dynamite, in other words, explosive power! They are both in the present tense
and the passive voice.  

4. So, we see here that God is ready andwilling to intervene in every instance of temptation to powerfully intervene or
our behalf to keep us free and to escape the consequences of giving into sin! 

5. The big question is how is this possibleand what is the way God provides for escape? 

6. 2 Corinthians 10: 1-5In this passage, Paul is talking about spiritual warfare in how the flesh is
related to spiritual warfare. He clearly declares that even though we are in
the flesh and walking in the flesh, our battle is not to be a part of the
physical dimension. He is establishing the picture that there is a dimension to
our battle with our sinful nature and with the devil that is purely on a
soulish and spiritual level! He goes so far to say that in this warfare, there
is the need for purely spiritual weapons that are empowered by God Himself to
counteract the soulish difficulties and bondage we are experiencing and the
results of the battles we fight will be: 

(1) Pullingdown strongholds (mental and emotional bondages) 

(2) Castingdown arguments that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God 

(3) Castingdown “high things” (other strong belief systems) that exalt themselves against
the knowledge of God 

(4) Bringingevery thought “captive” to the obedience of Christ 

7. Please note here that it is the spiritualthat is directly affecting and making an impact on the soulish realm (thoughts
and emotions) of our lives. So, it is with spiritual weapons empowered by God
that brings liberty and freedom, thus releasing and maintaining the abundant
life of Christ in us. 

8. Notice carefully how this is accomplished.The use of “the weapons of our warfare” that are not “carnal.” The big question
is what are these weapons that are not carnal but can be empowered by God to
bring our thoughts, primarily of negativity and temptation into captivity? And
realize that this verb “captivity” means to take as a prisoner of war, to take
into custody and disarm! And that it is in the present tense, meaning that this
is an ongoing process not a one time action! 

9. There are only two weapons empowered byGod that have the ability to continually take captive our negative thoughts and
overwhelming temptation giving us victory: The Name of Jesus and The Blood of

a. TheName of Jesus represents all that Jesus is. So, when we use the Name of Jesus,
we are calling all that Jesus is into the battle for us! 

b. TheBlood of Jesus represents all that Jesus accomplished through the shedding of
His blood and dying on the cross and rising from the dead and so when we claim
the Blood of Jesus, we are bringing all He has accomplished into the battle for

10. His Name and Blood empowered by God willbring every thought captive!!! Realize that they are not to be used
light-heartedly. These are serious and powerful weapons! 

11. Colossians 2:11-15In this passage we see the second part of this action to occur in order to
release and maintain the abundant life of Christ in us. Paul is laying the
basis of our new life in Christ where the “flesh” no longer has power over us
and is no longer a valid means for the sinful nature or the devil to use in
order to hold us captive or keep us from the abundant life of Christ. Paul
declares boldly that Christ has “made us alive together with Him,” thus
providing the power and authority for us to live abundantly the life Jesus has
given us. Paul states in this passage that the three enemies of our souls has
been completely and effectively dwelt with. 

(1) Oursins have been forgiven, not will be, but are already forgiven in totality 

(2) Thelaw that also represents the world that would easily condemn us because we
cannot live up to the expectation has been “wiped out” or eliminated of it’s
power and authority over us 

(3) TheDevil and all of the demons with all of their powers have been totally defeated 

12. Whatis seen here is that Jesus has “nailed” them all to the cross, representing
their defeat as to power over us. 

13. So,with this understanding of the truth of what has been done, we are able to
enter by faith into the reality of the spiritual dimension and take every
negative thought, every thought of temptation captive in the Name of Jesus or
by the Blood of Jesus and NAIL IT TO THE CROSS!!! 

14. Aswe do this, the power and authority of the thoughts are dissolved into
nothingness and powerlessness and we live free and victorious! Those thoughts
that we felt or thought were so powerful now become nothing more than a puff of
smoke that is quickly blown away by God’s power through the weapons of our

15. Nailingthem to the cross is recognizing what has already been done to them and we are
entering into the reality of the truth! We can walk away and take a deep breath
knowing and feeling free… releasing the abundant life in our hearts!

Conclusion:Here are a few practical suggestions to help make this more effective in your

(1) Thesooner you do this the easier and better the results will be. 

(2) Rememberthe basis of this is the truth of the scriptures studied, not someone’s

(3) Rememberthat our faith based on the truth energizes the principle. 

(4) Rememberthat it is the Holy Spirit’s power that makes it happen, causes the
effectiveness, not anything in us.